By founding the PMOI, three great men of Iran’s contemporary history‌‌ --Mohammad Hanifnejad, Saeed Mohsen,  and Ali Asghar Badizadegan--‌‌‌did away with everything that was regressive, out-of-date and oppressive, and replaced them with the progressive ideas and liberating practices they had either created or revived. In this way, the PMOI was founded in a spirit of rebellion against whatever was out of date. They broke through the deadlocks and created a new world.

They laid the foundations of the brilliant tradition of adhering to one’s ideal and remaining loyal to one’s word at the price of their lives. We hail the great founders of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, who initiated a path to which Iran’s liberation movement will forever remain indebted.
A glance at these 53 years reveals the essence of the PMOI’s history as a bastion of endurance, inspiring the progressive values and ideals of struggle for the freedom of Iran. And this is a struggle that will continue relentlessly until the overthrow of religious fascism in Iran and until the country is freed of all forms of discrimination and exploitation.
The People’s Mojahedin of Iran are fortunate to have stood firm, resolute and decisive in the struggle to advance this goal. Mountains moved, but the Mojahedin did not budge from their pledge to overthrow the mullahs’ velayat-e faqih regime.
Iran’s women and youths are fortunate to enjoy such an impressive treasure, on which they can rely in responding to their historical duty to rebel against the tyrants and overthrow them.
Hail to all my honorable and freedom-loving compatriots, who have shunned all forms of complicity and cooperation with the clerical regime as a redline in their struggle for freedom.
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